10 Unconventional Ways to Market Your Remodeling Company

March 19, 2024


There are plenty of articles out there that outline marketing strategies for remodelers. Most of the ones I’ve seen outline similar items: website, SEO, paid ads, etc. So in this article, I wanted to go over some items that you probably aren’t doing yet.

These 10 unconventional marketing tactics can help you get a leg up on the competition by doing something different.


1. Enhance Your Content Marketing with AI

AI can help boost your content marketing efforts by generating content for you. While I don’t recommend using AI content as a replacement for human effort, it can be a useful enhancement. 

ChatGPT, and many other online tools, can generate images, content, or even just ideas that can help fuel your social media marketing efforts. If you have a creative streak, but don’t necessarily have time to execute your content creation, consider using ChatGPT or similar tools to help you create content more quickly.

That being said, I don’t recommend spamming your website with large amounts of AI generated fluff. Google has begun penalizing websites who do this type of thing. Remember: AI isn’t a hack to get ahead without doing any work. It’s simply a tool to do what you already do better and faster.

2. Do a Giveaway

Giveaways can be a great way to generate leads and create buzz in your local community. You choose an item or service to give away, and homeowners provide their information in exchange for a chance to win. On a specified date, you do a random drawing to see who the winner is. 

When promoted through Facebook ads or a similar medium, giveaways can generate hundreds of leads. And if the item you are giving away is related to your service, you’re more likely to attract homeowners who are in the market for your service.

What’s important to keep in mind is that these leads probably won’t be as “high intent” as leads from most sources. Meaning it will take longer to turn them into closed deals, and you will probably have a lower closing rate. What makes it work is the sheer number of leads that giveaways allow you to generate.

You can capitalize further on giveaways by doing a video of the drawing or a video of the homeowner’s reaction to winning. 

When done right, giveaways are a fun and cost effective way to promote your business! 

3. Lumpy Mail

Mailing an item as part of a direct mail campaign can make your company dramatically stand out. This item could be a sample of your product, custom video brochures, a gift, or something else. 

One of our clients, for example, did a very small mailing campaign where they sent 11 local companies a sample of their flooring products. Out of those 11 mail pieces, they closed 2 new accounts. 

Since “lumpy mail” is more expensive than regular mail, it might be better suited for B2B use, or to advertise especially high ticket services.

4. Get News Coverage

Getting picked up by magazines or other news outlets means getting in front of thousands of homeowners for free. Of course, it’s up to the outlets whether they want to feature you or not. But if you know what they’re looking for, you’ll improve your odds.

What’s important to consider is what news outlets need. To stay in business, they need to continuously feed their readers with interesting and helpful content. So to get featured, your company needs to have an interesting story to tell.

Here are a few examples that might be newsworthy: 

  • An especially unique design you did for a local business renovation.
  • Exceptional company growth in a short period of time.
  • A revolutionary new technology your company uses to serve homeowners.
  • A PSA to homeowners on safety and saving money that’s relevant to your expertise. 
  • A local charity event hosted by your company and why the cause matters to you.

5. Build a Referral Network

Creating referral networks can be a huge opportunity for home improvement contractors. This is because while contractors are working in customer’s homes, they often get asked about other projects around the house.

For example, HVAC companies get asked about plumbing. Plumbers get asked about bathroom remodels. Kitchen and bath remodelers get asked about roofing and siding. And the list goes on! 

If you keep getting asked about work that your company doesn’t specialize in, it could be a great opportunity to refer work out and have work referred back to you. Taking the time to build these referral partnerships can help you generate a lot of work without spending money on advertising.

6. Participate in Local Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are similar to online forums and offer a free way to get in front of hundreds or even thousands of local homeowners. 

Most local communities across the U.S. form Facebook groups for the area. These groups are often called something like “Perry County Talk” or “Lancaster County Buy/Sell/Trade.” A group in my area called Perry County Talk has over 30,000 members. 

Some groups allow you to advertise your business on certain days. But even if they don’t, there are often homeowners who post and ask for recommendations on contractors. You can reply directly to these homeowners and start a conversation.

It takes some manual work, but staying tuned in to these groups can help you generate business without paying for advertisements. 

7. TikTok Ads

TikTok continues to grow in popularity. And contrary to popular belief, it’s not just a platform for kids and teenagers. In fact, out of 136 million TikTok users in the United States, 53% of them are over the age of 30. 

Since TikTok is a relatively new platform, there isn’t as much competition as you would find with platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads. This makes it a potential powerhouse for home improvement companies looking to get more leads and grow their brand.

The key to running successful ads on TikTok is that your ads shouldn’t look like ads. Remember, people use social media to be entertained and connect with people. Your ads should follow similar formats as other videos on the platform, and should entertain and educate.

8. Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are freebies that you give away in exchange for someone’s contact information. A homeowner interested in learning about different kitchen remodeling styles might be willing to put in their contact information exchange for a valuable and informative PDF that explains each one in detail.

Other ideas for lead magnets could be:

  • Buyer’s guide that helps homeowners choose a good contractor
  • Energy savings guide
  • Project cost calculator
  • Home maintenance checklist

9. Email Marketing

Email marketing is on this list because so few contractors properly take advantage of it. 

Email sending applications like ActiveCampaign allow you to send hundreds or thousands of emails every week. Nurturing your contact list by sending a bi-weekly email can help you stay visible, provide value, and create good will towards your company. 

Do you have a contact list of at least a few hundred leads that never turned into sold deals? There could be dozens of deals in that list, and all it might take is a few email campaigns.

10. Mail Goodie Boxes

Go a step beyond by sending your customers or prospective customers goodie boxes in the mail. Some companies, like Dope Marketing for example, handle this for you and automate the process.

These “goodie boxes” can include a custom branded box, a selection of gourmet cookies, or handwritten notes. This can help elevate your customer experience and set your company apart.