PA paving company gets 457 leads in less than 9 months

November 20, 2023

In just over 8 months a Pennsylvania paving company generated 457 exclusive paving leads with Service Allies

I cold called a paving company earlier this year to see if they were interested in our lead generation program with Facebook ads. I happened to have really good timing - the owners were thinking about running Facebook ads and, at the time I called, were actually writing out a text to someone else to ask about running them. The timing was incredible and felt like an act of God. The results we were able to generate were also incredible.

In just over 8 months, we generated 457 leads with $9,938.27 in ad spend ($21.74 per lead!). Keep in mind - these are all exclusive leads reaching out to the company directly.

Recently, I talked to the gal responsible for calling all the leads and she told me that they had booked 90% - 95% for sales appointments. Not only had they booked all those sales appointments - but their close rate is 70%! 

Some of these leads were for small ticket items, like seal coating ($400 on average.) Some, however, were large driveway paving projects, reaching up to $14,000. They sold one or two commercial projects. She told me their average ticket ranged somewhere between $2000 - $6000 on sold projects. If you split that down the middle the average ticket is $4000.

While these results are incredible on their own, there are likely many more projects that came in through their site or through referrals that can't be tracked by Service Allies. Because in addition to the directly tracked leads, their ads got seen 763,003 times by 166,513 people. That is some serious brand power!

If you own a paving business and would like to work with Service Allies, give us a call or schedule a demo today.